

Enjoy "Digging Into the Gardens" blog, written by Denver Botanic Gardens' staff. Learn about gardening, horticulture, research, conservation, special events, art, tours and much more. 

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Saving Tiny Plants Through Big Collaboration

August 26, 2021 Jennifer Ramp Neale, Ph.D.

As summer is starting to wind down and field season is largely wrapping up, work in the alpine continues. The alpine field season, being higher in elevation, is delayed compared to the flowering

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Four Reasons Fall Is for Members

August 24, 2021 Tiffany Coleman

Autumn is right around the corner, and before you sigh because that means summer is ending, I want to show all the reasons why fall at the Gardens is a very, very good thing. 5 Special Events (with

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Field Season Frenzy 

August 20, 2021 Margo Yousse

Every summer and fall, when Colorado’s plants and mushrooms are in peak season, scientists at Denver Botanic Gardens rush outside to collect new specimens for the herbaria, as well as ecological data

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Compost Breakdown

August 18, 2021 Kurt Myers

What is compost? Just about everyone knows that compost is a beneficial soil amendment, but all compost is not created equal. The highest quality compost is a product of your garden’s environment

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Imagining Anthropocene Ecologies

August 16, 2021 Anthony Meluso

Every Friday morning this summer, I’ve had the pleasure of imagining future ecologies with several of the Gardens’ teen volunteers. Whether on purpose or by accident, people are involved in all the

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Incorporating Penstemon Into Your Landscape

August 12, 2021 Jen Toews

“You can never have too many penstemons in your yard!” my coworker recently exclaimed. I would agree. Species of this genus display showy spikes of brightly colored, bilateral flowers high above basal

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Touring the Gardens

August 10, 2021 Exhibits Department

Do you want to take a deeper dive into our gardens or galleries? We offer guided tours indoors or out on a range of topics, from container gardens to seasonal blooms to art. Sign up online for these

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August Walking Tour – Water Gardens

August 5, 2021 Tamara Kilbane

The heat of summer is finally here and with it comes the peak time to enjoy our extensive collection of aquatic plants. You will find diverse water gardens throughout our 24-acre York Street location

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Rare Alpine Plants and the Chamber of Warming

July 29, 2021 Alex Seglias

If you are an avid alpine hiker or have been traveling to alpine areas for decades, I’m sure you have noticed that it is quite a bit warmer up there than it was. You probably seldomly need to bring

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Seed Collecting for the Home Gardener

July 27, 2021 Brooke Palmer

The boom of colors and blooms that reign down at Denver Botanic Gardens this time of year is astounding. From the first gardens you see as you walk through the front gate – such as Roads Water-Smart

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