An All-Hands-On-Deck Attitude
The transition from one year to the next is often filled with celebrations and time for reflection. At the Gardens, we are all filled with gratitude and a keen determination to do everything we can to support the community, especially in light of the widespread stress and challenges that will likely continue in 2024.
We start by providing spaces that delight and enlighten. Walk in a celebration of nature, co-created with skilled horticulturists, and soon you will find yourself calmer, even revived. When we
survey visitors the most common reason they give for coming to our locations is to find peace and connection. Each of our sites offers wonder and discovery at every turn.
Providing access is a high priority for us. Many people face barriers to engaging with the Gardens, and we work diligently to remove any obstacle. We begin by forging partnerships with
diverse community organizations —186 of them and counting. Only through listening can we create programs that address needs. We are fortunate to have support from countless donors,
enabling us to provide everything from free admission to transportation and outreach.

Plants are essential to life. Among everything they provide, food is one of the essential gifts. Last year, through our Urban Food Initiatives, we donated 19,000 pounds of vegetables grown at Chatfield Farms. This food was grown by an incredibly devoted staff with the assistance of volunteers and our Veterans Farm Program, a season-long experience for vets who are paid a stipend to learn the intricacies of agriculture to determine if they want to pursue farming as a new career.
As water scarcity is on the rise, we are going back to basics. Through Sustainable Landscape Services, we are helping local communities rethink plant selection for public spaces like street medians and privately owned property including lawn replacement. Many plants thrive without irrigation and offer a more authentic Colorado aesthetic while also creating better habitats. Our Research and Conservation Department has active projects along the High Line Canal, CommonGround Golf Course and many others — all focused on regenerating nature.
Participation in classes, for both adults and children, set a record in 2023. Denver Botanic Films has released a second documentary, with a third on the way. Art and exhibition programs are engaging more people than ever. Public and private events are providing joy to an ever-growing audience.
You see, Denver Botanic Gardens has an all-hands-on-deck attitude about the many roles we play in society. We respond to all the remarkable support we receive with resolve to use those gifts to make the world better. As you read this, contemplate how appreciated you are, how much you make possible.
The winter issue of Inside the Gardens is out now. Read it and other issues of the magazine to learn more about Denver Botanic Gardens' efforts.
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