Land Line Application FAQ

What is the application deadline?

Applications will be accepted until October 31, 11:59 p.m. MDT. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

How do I apply?

Application is free and submitted online via Call for Entry (CaFE).

Do artists in residence receive an honorarium?

Yes, artists receive a $3,000 honorarium.  

How does the residency work?

Artists in residence use Denver Botanic Gardens’ collections, landscapes and other resources to create artworks that explore nature and the relationship between humans and the natural world. Land Line artists are paired with a Gardens staff collaborator relevant to their proposed residency theme—this staff member acts as a knowledge resource for the artist’s research. Artists may arrange for access to the Gardens’ collections and other resources, including the living collections, fungi and vascular plant herbaria, art collections and the School of Botanical Art & Illustration. Land Line artists additionally receive a Denver Botanic Gardens membership and free entry to the Gardens’ multiple locations during open hours for the duration of their residency.

Artists are required to visit the Gardens at least once and attend four virtual cohort meetings to share progress and connect with other artists. At least one artwork must be completed by the end of the residency year. As part of the residency, Denver Botanic Gardens may acquire one artwork, which is proposed by the artist for consideration.

Does the residency provide housing or studio space?

No—Land Line has a unique low-residency format. Artists create most of their work in their own studio spaces throughout the residency year and are required to visit the Gardens only once within a pre-determined two-month timeframe called the “focus period” (though additional visits are welcome). Time spent onsite at the Gardens is geared toward meeting with staff, exploring gardens and collections, research and conceptualization. There is no formal studio space available onsite at the Gardens, and artists arrange their own travel, lodging, food and supplies, supported by the honorarium.

How long does the residency last?

The Land Line residency lasts a full calendar year, but artists intensively engage with onsite resources and their staff collaborator primarily during their focus period. Artists indicate their preferred focus period timeframes in the application. Artists traveling to Colorado do not need to stay for the entire two months of their focus period.

Can I propose public programming, like a class or workshop, in my application?

No, Land Line does not accept applications proposing public or community programming. Artists in residence interested in engaging with the Gardens’ public audience can discuss programming ideas after being selected for the residency, though programming cannot be guaranteed due to limitations of budget and scheduling. 

Can I propose an onsite installation in my application?

No, Land Line does not accept applications for installation works, video, audio, literary work or exhibitions.

I don’t like any of the thematic areas listed in the application. Can I propose my own?

No, artists must select one of the thematic areas in the application, as they correspond to the areas of expertise of the Gardens’ staff collaborators.

Do I need to be formally trained in art or have a degree in art to apply?

Land Line welcomes applications from all artists working in 2D and 3D media, regardless of formal training or academic degrees.

I have a full-time job. Can I still be an artist in residence?

Yes, we understand that artmaking is just one of many priorities in an artist’s life. Land Line’s low-residency format is designed to allow artists to conduct research, visit the Gardens and create artworks within flexible timeframes.

Can I apply even if I live outside of Colorado?

Yes, artists outside of Colorado or the Denver metro area are welcome to apply and can conduct most of their residency remotely, beyond one required in-person visit to the Gardens. Artists located outside of the United States are not eligible to apply. 

Can I apply with another artist or a group?

Yes, Land Line welcomes group applications. Artists applying together should submit one application with all participants’ names and contact information. For artists selected as a group, the contract and honorarium will be arranged with the primary applicant.

I applied previously but wasn’t accepted—can I apply again?

Yes. We receive applications from many talented artists but are not able to select all; artists who have previously applied are encouraged to apply again.

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