

Enjoy "Digging Into the Gardens" blog, written by Denver Botanic Gardens' staff. Learn about gardening, horticulture, research, conservation, special events, art, tours and much more. 


Japanese Beetle Biological Control Release

July 15, 2018 Emily Stine
Japanese beetles ( Popillia japonica) have become numerous around Denver Botanic Gardens – I can’t walk near grapes, roses or other flowering plants and not see them. Even though these insects are

Fascinating Fasciation: A Plant Mutation

June 22, 2018 Emily Stine
While on one of my scouting tours through the Gardens, Mike Bone, curator of steppe collections and one of the horticulturists that manages the Steppe Garden, informed me that the red hot poker plant

Plant Health Highlights Introduction

June 11, 2018 Emily Stine
I'm the Doctor of Plant Health Horticulture Intern at Denver Botanic Gardens this summer. My internship is focused on plant health, with diagnostic projects ranging across topics including nutritional

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