Living in the Limelight
July 29, 2020
Margo Yousse
Thanks to funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (Award ID: MA-30-18-0410-18), all of Denver Botanic Gardens’ natural history collections have been safely moved into their new home
Home Is Where the History Is
July 13, 2020
Stephanie White
While the Freyer – Newman Center has yet to open to the public, we have been diligently working behind closed doors to transfer non-living collections to their new homes in the Center. These
Imaging the Sam Mitchel Herbarium of Fungi
March 3, 2020
Rick Levy
In early 2019, the Freyer — Newman Center for Science, Art and Education was nothing but a deep hole in the ground, and the reality of moving the entirety of our natural history collections still felt