Celebrate Pollinators with Us

June 17, 2024 Exhibits Department

Bugs—they're creepy, crawly, fuzzy, funny creatures that play an incredibly important role in keeping ecosystems healthy. Pollinators do the heavy lifting of carrying pollen so plants can reproduce, and many pollinators call Colorado home. We're all familiar with the chaotic creatures known as miller moths, but did you know we have over 1,000 species of moths in our state? Colorado also boasts over 900 species of native bees, as well as hundreds of species of butterflies, wasps, beetles and flies. 

Denver Botanic Gardens celebrates pollinators with Big Day of Bugs, Friday, June 21, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Join activities for all ages to learn more about pollinators and what you can do to keep them happy and healthy.

  • Stop by a Science Chat to learn about bugs and play a pollinator matching game.
    Learn how to use the iNaturalist app to document bugs (and other living things!) for scientific research.
  • Take a tour with an experienced guide, see pollinators at work and learn what plants pollinators love.
  • Chat with community partners like Butterfly Pavilion, Xerces Society and the Pollinator Network to learn about their work supporting bugs in our state.
  • Watch special films about pollinators in the Sturm Family Auditorium.
  • Join a bug-inspired art activity with the School of Botanical Art and Illustration. 

Pollinators are small but mighty. Join us in celebrating these incredible insects at Big Day of Bugs!

monarch butterfly on orange and yellow flowers

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